AML Compliance Consulting and Support

We offer comprehensive training to your personnel on local laws and regulations. Our customized training programs enhance awareness and knowledge, empowering your team to make informed compliance decisions.

We provide assistance in the collection of necessary information and documents for evaluating your clients’ background, main activities, counterparties, management structure, actual owners for protecting your business and corporate dealings against money laundering or illegal activities. We conduct thorough screening of data and clients in relation to AML and adverse media.

Our advanced screening tools assist to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with money laundering and reputational damage. We provide systems for screening and categorising your clients on a risk-based approach using various parameters such as profession, nationality, source of funds, source of income, PEP relation and other factors. Our system is forming an accurate risk profile for your customers supporting your decisions for the frequency of customers assessment and pricing.

Our Transaction monitoring systems and procedures can automatically identify suspicious transactions and behaviours for monitoring all transactions on a daily basis thus safeguarding your company from criminal activity as well as your relations with third parties such as Banks and Payment Service Providers.

We provide AML compliance and support services including, among others customer due diligence and know your client procedures and undertake to perform checks and screening on sanctions lists and adverse media. We can support you on the validation and analysis of proposed source of funds and source of wealth for investors and/or proposed business partners enabling you to evaluate the suitability of a prospective investor/ business partner or associate.

Our team conducts a thorough review of your policies and procedures, including Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures and policies. We identify areas of improvement, recommend updates, and help you maintain robust compliance frameworks. We further support your management and officers to perform their duties effectively as well as informing and warning your clients on the guidelines they need to follow for conducting business with your company.

At Nandto, we are committed to helping you establish and maintain a strong AML compliance framework. Contact us today to discuss how our AML compliance support and advisory services can benefit your business.

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